LMAN seeks an inspirational part time Music Leader, who can combine musical skills and creative abilities, and who can use those skills to help some challenging young people make more positive choices for themselves.
‘Let’s make a noise’ is a music based project, to work with a group of young people in Middlesbrough, aged 14-17 years, considered to be at risk of offending or other social exclusion. It will be based at Middlesbrough Myplace. The project aims to support these young people in finding a positive way forward, through creative engagement.
Activity will begin before Christmas 2013 and will finish in July 2014; sessions will be Monday and Wednesday afternoons; overall schedule details are outlined in the Music Leader brief
Activity will include supporting the young people to achieve Bronze Arts Award, thus the Music Leader must either have already done Bronze/ Silver adviser training or must be prepared to undertake this immediately on selection. Activity will also include some elements of staff development for the support workers, to gain understanding of and skills in creative approaches to working with challenging young people.
Total fee to Music Leader: £7110
This is to include sessional delivery and an allocation of non-contact time for meetings, planning, review, preparation, editing etc.
There is also a budget for additional sessional musicians and artists, materials, instruments, trips, Arts Award expenses etc; this budget is held by TVA, and is to be allocated in agreement with them.
To apply:
- Please read the Music Leader brief
- Look at our website for context
- Send a current CV, no longer than two sides A4
- Send a letter of application outlining what you would bring to the role, your understanding of creative work with challenging and vulnerable young people, any previous experience, your musical skills and interest, your thoughts about other general creative activities you could lead on, your approach to ensuring positive group dynamics, anything else you want to tell us
- Include in the letter your Arts Award adviser status and/or intentions and any previous experience of Arts Award
- Check that your availability matches the requirements
- Address any issues of travel to and from sessions
- DBS certification is a requirement of this contract: tell us if you have current (ie no older than 2 years) DBS certification, and ensure that you can bring evidence of this if invited to interview; if you don’t have current certification, what do you propose to do?
- The Music Leader must have their own public liability insurance; evidence must be provided at interview
Please note: all the above points must be addressed for any candidate to be considered for interview.
Deadline for applications:
The deadline for applications is 4pm, 7th November 2013.
Send applications to:
Rowena Sommerville
Tees Valley Arts
Melrose House
Melrose Street
Or email to: rowena.sommerville@teesvalleyarts.org.uk
Please note: email applications are preferred.
Interviews will take place at Custom House, North Place, Middlesbrough TS2 1JT on the morning of Friday 15th November 2013.
Please note: if you have not heard back from us by 14th November 2013 then please assume that you have not been selected for interview on this occasion. We regret that we are unable to give feedback to applicants who are not invited for interview.