tees valley arts

OPM at Macmillan Academy

As part of our partnership with the One Planet Middlesbrough Project, we are working with local school, Macmillan Academy to deliver some Creative Engagement around the themes of One Planet Living.

We are delighted to announce that we have appointed Creative Writer, Niel Bushnell and Digital Animator, Mark Jobe to work with 15 year 8 pupils at Macmillan Academy on a week-long residency to create a short animation. The animation will look at the topic of Flooding! We are thrilled to welcome Mark and Niel to TVA, and can’t wait to see what they produce with the young people!

Watch this space!

More Information

Mark Jobe

Here’s a little example of an animation from Mark’s Vimeo showreel:

Camphor – The Sweetest Tooth from Mark Jobe on Vimeo.

See more of Mark’s work on his website.

Niel Bushnell

Niel is a writer and said this of his work,

When I was ten years old I made a long list of things I hoped to achieve later in life. One of my main ambitions, lodged in between becoming an astronaut and drawing comics for a living, was to write a novel.

The plan was to do this before I turned thirteen, but it’s taken me a little bit longer than that…

You can read an extract from this novel, Sorrowline, here and find out more about Niel’s writing here.

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