A 1-Day Conference: English Civil War on Teesside
This is a one day conference organised by the Battlefields Trust, Dorman Museum and Tees Archaeology as part of the River Tees Rediscovered Project.
The conference will take place at the Dorman Museum on Linthorpe Road on Saturday 11th July 2015 from 10am-3.30pm and will have four speakers: R Daniels, P Philo, R Leese and G Carter.
The conference will introduce participants to the impact on the area of the English Civil War and will offer the opportunity for volunteers to get involved in a project to find out more about the period in the area.
Conference Schedule
10.00 am Arrive (Tea & Coffee)
10.15 Introduction (R Daniels, Tees Archaeology)
10.30 The Battlefields Trust (G Carter, Battlefields Trust)
10.45 Battlefield Archaeology of the English Civil War (R Leese, Huddersfield University)
11.30 ECW in the North – East Overview (P Philo, Dorman Museum)
12:15 Lunch
13:00 Costume and Equipment of the ECW (G Carter)
13:45 Battle of Yarm Bridge (P Philo, Dorman Museum)
14:30 17th Century locations on Teesside (R Daniels, Tees Archaeology)
15.15 What next? (Panel Discussion)
15.30 Close
Book Your Place
To book your place on this free conference please contact Robin Daniels on teesarchaeology@hartlepool.gov.uk or call +44 (0) 1429 523 455.
The conference is being filmed by TVA and will be available a couple of days after the event on our vimeo channel.
More Information
See the Battlesfield Trust website here.