The English Civil War on Teesside a 1-day Conference Peter Neal and Daniel Waugh 9 years ago 01 – Introduction Robin Daniels, Tees Archaeology 02 – Introduction Geoffrey Carter, Battlefield Trust 03 – Battlefield Archaeology of the English Civil War Richard Leese, Huddersfield University 04 – The English Civil War in the North East Phil Philo, Dorman Museum 05 – Costume & Equipment of the English Civil War Geoffrey Carter, Battlefield Trust 06 – The Battle of Yarm Bridge Phil Philo, Dorman Museum 07 – 17th Century Locations on Teesside Robin Daniels, Tees Archaeology 08 – Panel Discussion Robin Daniels, Tees Archaeology Share this:Print The English Civil War on TeessideDate10/07/2015In relation toEventsTeesside on FilmDate22/11/2019In relation toNewsOne Language helps multi-culturalism on TeessideDate30/05/2001In relation toNews