Thorntree Roses Back for a New Term

The Thorntree Roses return to Thorntree Hub every Tuesday morning in Term-time.

It was great to welcome the women from the Thorntree Roses group back after the Summer break, but we hadn’t wasted our weeks away, with a training session here at TVA and the Summer Show under our belts, we were ready to go.

Landscape weaving with Jane Riley
Thorntree Roses have a go at weaving landscapes

This time we’ll be looking at all things fabric based; our first week had fabric artist and Rookwood and Hoot creator Jane Riley showing the groups how to recreate moorland landscapes. We’re already amazed at what can be achieved by using the wools Jane brought in a myriad of colours and textures.

Our weekly sessions were broken up this week by a visit to a museum to see both new art quilts and historical quilts. We took artist Jane along, and fellow artist Sarah Oatley of Drawn Threads, who we’ll work with before Christmas during our sewing sessions. The quilts gave us some great ideas, and lots of the group were interested in the Edwardian quilt which had lots of coloured pieces adorned with religious sayings, as well as a quilt made entirely of 1950s clothing labels. Lots of food for our creative thoughts!

We’ve got lots to look forward to, and it’s all free, funded by The Health Lottery through their Healthimprove fund.  If you’re thinking of joining us, and are a woman living on the Thorntree Estate, come along any Tuesday morning during Term-time to The Thorntree Hub 9am – 12pm. If you want to know more, please contact Miki here at Tees Valley Arts on 01642 264657.