VIEWPOINTS – Call for Artists
For the first time, with support from Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA) Festival of Thrift is inviting artists to propose public artworks for our wider programme outside the dates of the Festival of thrift in September 2018.
In total, we will be commissioning/programming 3-5 pieces within a budget range of £2,000 – £10,000 per piece.
Artists are asked to respond to the broad theme of future sustainability, to be interpreted in whichever way they see fit. Proposals which explore aspects of the ecology, technology, landscape, history or industries of the Tees Valley will be particularly welcomed. The title Viewpoints has been chosen both because we will wish to site the finished work in a location where it may be best viewed, but also because we hope that the work produced might also offer a fresh viewpoint or change people’s views on an environmental or sustainability issue.
Artworks may be in any medium but must include a physical presence.
Deadline Midday, 19th March 2018
Please email festivalofthrift@gmail.com for an application pack
To co-ordinate the delivery of the Viewpoints Public Art Programme (Period February 2018 – September 2018)
Fee £5,000 plus expenses
Deadline Midday, 5th February 2018
Please email festivalofthrift@gmail.com for an application pack