When did you join the Board of Tees Valley Arts?
June 2012.
What interests and excites you about Tees Valley Arts?
Bringing arts into the community and raising cultural opportunities in the region.
What do you love about Teesside?
Everything it is built on a industrial heritage which instigates the community to be culturally rich and not afraid of hard work.
When you were a child what did you want to be?
A lollipop lady so I could press buttons all day long.
What is your earliest memory?
Flying around my mums nursery on a blue milk float.
What is your most treasured possession?
My rag rug hook every product I have ever created has been made with it – it was a gift from a fellow student in 1995 and I have used it ever since.
What is the worst job you’ve ever done?
Packing embroidery kits as a summer job when I was a student whilst cycling 6 miles to get to the factory.
What has been your biggest disappointment in life?
None – always look for a positive but if I did have to choose then not getting a blue peter badge after writing endless letters.
Who is your favourite artist (any artform)?
Embroidered textiles – Claire A Baker.
What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
Do things today to get a head start on tomorrow.
Which living person do you most admire and why?
My mum – she is resilient strong and has always believed in me, never stopping me doing anything I have wanted to – she is a great role model.
If resources were no object, what project or activity would you most like to see Tees Valley Arts undertake?
A huge town wide drawing activity held in the centre of Middlesbrough – covering central square with paper and setting up community art performances ( dance mime, performance ) then getting all members of the community to come together draw paint and write on the floors X with lots of music and fringe events.