This page is about 1:3 which was a project facilitated by Tees Valley Arts in co-operation with CIRA, University of Teesside.
This page is about 1:3 which was a project facilitated by Tees Valley Arts in co-operation with CIRA, University of Teesside.
Posted on 05/09/2005
Dance Animation, is a project which inspired children of all ages to come together in a magical display of their dreams, ambitions and skills.
Posted on 01/06/2004
A page explaining AIRIS: Arts in Residence in Science, a project which delivered exciting and innovative pilot projects.
Posted on 01/06/2004
Bioanimations involved animation projects worked on in three primary schools of Hartlepool to be used as a teaching resource when teaching biology.
Posted on 30/04/2004
A page explaining the Art:Works Programme which supported schools with curricular provision, artsmark awards, extended schools and activities.
Posted on 01/01/2004
A page explaining the Safe in Schools project, which used group work and creative arts to explore the issue of bullying.
Posted on 01/01/2004
The In:volve Programme used the arts as a tool to raise aspirations and achievements, promote social enterprise, and develop pride.
Posted on 01/01/2004
The EIGHT Project is an Artist in Residence project, taking place in nine schools with nine artists for one academic year.
Posted on 01/01/2003