This page provides a rap about the video game character Lara Croft which is aptly named “The Lara Croft Rap”.
The Lara Croft Rap
Posted on 06/07/2016
This page provides a rap about the video game character Lara Croft which is aptly named “The Lara Croft Rap”.
Posted on 06/07/2016
This page provides an excerpt about a day in Rio in which a primary school is attended by personified computers.
Posted on 06/07/2016
This page provides 2 different poems. One is titled “Electrocuted” and the other poem is titled “Earth 3099”.
Posted on 05/07/2016
This page provides a poem or poems that includes similes, comparing their emotions to a computer.
Posted on 05/07/2016
One Night I Was Playing on My Computer is a poem created by Frederick Nattrass Primary Academy pupils as part of the National Year of Reading.
Posted on 05/07/2016
As part of the National Year of Reading project Frederick Nattrass Primary Academy pupils worked on poems and stories about computers.
Posted on 05/07/2016
Pigs Vs Butchers is the description of a fictional football match by Crooksbarn Primary School pupils as part of the National Year of Reading.
Posted on 05/07/2016
It’s Not Just Nottingham Forest is a poem about football by Crooksbarn Primary School pupils as part of the National Year of Reading project.
Posted on 05/07/2016
These “recipes” are different poems that are written about football and reference various parts of football.
Posted on 05/07/2016
This page provides an excerpt of a story about the Brazil Men’s National Team playing football at a school.
Posted on 05/07/2016