In 1837 President Andrew Jackson installed a 2-tonne block of cheddar in the foyer of the White House. Now the cheese comes to Middlesbrough.
In 1837 President Andrew Jackson installed a 2-tonne block of cheddar in the foyer of the White House. Now the cheese comes to Middlesbrough.
Posted on 12/09/2018
We have generated the above House of Books word cloud to examine another way of documenting the submissions to our House of Books call out.
Posted on 14/06/2018
House of Books – What Are Libraries For? Is a writing piece by novelist and poet Carmen Marcus for her takeover of our monthly cultural email.
Posted on 07/06/2018
Please help us save this portrait of Henry Pease for the museums of the Tees Valley by donating at crowdfunder.co.uk/pease-portrait
Posted on 29/11/2017
The end of the first week in my new job coincided with one of the annual highlights of our region’s cultural calendar.
Posted on 10/08/2017
My first day as Executive Director of Tees Valley Arts started with none of the apprehension that normally comes with beginning a new job.
Posted on 01/08/2017