
This page provides information about Caliban which is aimed to explore the area of Newport Settlement and St Hilda’s, including the Ironmaster’s Trail.

Posted on 30/06/2016


This page is about Khubsoorat which was developed out of the Friday Night Drama project at The Azaad Centre.

Posted on 30/06/2016

In the Mix

This page provides information about a introductory course to D.J skills, audio recording, sampling and mixing.

Posted on 30/06/2016


This project allowed young people to work with three professional artists, as well as collaboratively, and sharing ideas and skills with other young artists, writers, photographers in the Middlesbrough area.

Posted on 30/06/2016

Breaking the Silence

This page provides information about a expressive movement and dance project involving Body Talk, a group of children with hearing impairments from The Beverly School for the Deaf and Middlesbrough Youth Dance.

Posted on 30/06/2016

Year of the Artist

The Year of the Artist was a unique national project that started in June 2000 and ran through to May 2001.

Posted on 29/06/2016

Skinningrove Flood Defence Project

Skinnigrove Flood Defence Project 2008

The project aimed to create designs (informed by the community) to influence flood defences fabricated and installed by the Environment Agency.

Posted on 29/06/2016