Tees Valley Symphony

Tees Valley Arts supported the development of the Tees Valley Symphony inspired and arranged by a composer, created by young people, guided by professionals

Posted on 01/06/2004

SureStart: Path in the Dark

Path in the Dark is a collection of poems, writing and pictures by parents at SureStart describing how SureStart has changed their lives.

Posted on 01/01/2004


A page explaining the Art:Works Programme which supported schools with curricular provision, artsmark awards, extended schools and activities.

Posted on 01/01/2004


The In:volve Programme used the arts as a tool to raise aspirations and achievements, promote social enterprise, and develop pride.

Posted on 01/01/2004


The EIGHT Project is an Artist in Residence project, taking place in nine schools with nine artists for one academic year.

Posted on 01/01/2003