In Nest Making, the participants learn about animal nests and shelters then work together in groups to create large, nest-inspired sculptures.
In Nest Making, the participants learn about animal nests and shelters then work together in groups to create large, nest-inspired sculptures.
Posted on 21/04/2017
PAINTING WITH NATURE participants gather colourful natural materials then work together to arrange them into temporary ‘drawings’.
Posted on 21/04/2017
In Papermaking, the participants create their own recycled paper, incorporating natural materials from around them and experience a practical process.
Posted on 21/04/2017
In Sights and Sounds Maps, participants recreate the sounds they hear around them in gesture, drawing and music then discuss their creations as a group.
Posted on 21/04/2017
In Sensory Portraits the participants create portraits of one another which incorporate the sensory experience of a given natural location.
Posted on 21/04/2017
In Spider’s Web, the participants work in a group to recreate spiders’ webs as large string sculptures and they think closely about the used in webs.
Posted on 21/04/2017
In Viewfinder Drawing activity, the participants draw particular natural scenes isolated using card viewfinders and apply the creative judgement.
Posted on 21/04/2017
In Natural Palette, the participants will gather natural materials and use them to produce collage art. This task is designed to encourage colour.
Posted on 21/04/2017
In Create Your Own Creature the participants use pictures of a wide range of animals to design their own creature in collage.
Posted on 21/04/2017
In Glowing Birds technology is used to create and present participants’ drawings of birds and they can gain more confidence in their drawing.
Posted on 21/04/2017