Dear colleagues and friends, this is my last week as CEO of Tees Valley Arts, this is really me waving the big goodbye!
Dear colleagues and friends, this is my last week as CEO of Tees Valley Arts, this is really me waving the big goodbye!
Posted on 28/07/2017
We and Festival of Thrift are delighted to invite artists, makers, writers and performers to work with and learn from Dead Good Guides.
Posted on 18/07/2017
CEO celebrates her TVA departure with warm parting words of our shared cultural entitlement to public arts access.
Posted on 07/04/2017
Tees Valley Arts is delighted to announce they have been awarded a grant of £4750 by the Middlesbrough and Teesside Philanthropic Foundation.
Posted on 12/04/2016
Norah Hill worked with Tees Valley Arts over many years and we are saddened to hear of her death earlier this week.
Posted on 15/12/2015
Launch Text To SpeechTees Valley Arts is very disappointed to have been informed that we are not to be included in the Art Council’s National Portfolio of organisations, and that we have not been awarded the annual support funding that this would have provided. We believe that TVA offers excellent, and sometimes life-changing, activities for
Posted on 30/03/2011
Launch Text To SpeechI’ve worked in the arts all my life, and for the last ten years I have worked in the Tees Valley as a freelance writer and artist, and now I’m here full time as Director of Tees Valley Arts. As everyone knows, the whole country is facing a period of difficult economic
Posted on 30/07/2010