The end of the first week in my new job coincided with one of the annual highlights of our region’s cultural calendar.
The end of the first week in my new job coincided with one of the annual highlights of our region’s cultural calendar.
Posted on 10/08/2017
My first day as Executive Director of Tees Valley Arts started with none of the apprehension that normally comes with beginning a new job.
Posted on 01/08/2017
Dear colleagues and friends, this is my last week as CEO of Tees Valley Arts, this is really me waving the big goodbye!
Posted on 28/07/2017
We and Festival of Thrift are delighted to invite artists, makers, writers and performers to work with and learn from Dead Good Guides.
Posted on 18/07/2017
Zoya Din’s interview with Helen Welford of mima about artist John Carter, whose work is part of the TVA Art Collection, as part of her work experience.
Posted on 14/07/2017
“I have come to Tees Valley Arts for my Year 10 Work Experience from Macmillan Academy and I thoroughly enjoy it” says Zoya Din.
Posted on 05/07/2017