Launch Text To Speech
Launch Text To Speech
Posted on 01/01/2001
Launch Text To Speech
Posted on 01/01/2001
Launch Text To Speech
Posted on 29/09/2000
Launch Text To SpeechWhere? When? Hartlepool Central Library, York Road / Sunday Nov 21st from 12:00 noon to 3:00pm. After the success of the Family Learning Day held in the Central Library in early October ‘Hartlepool Online Day’ is to be held in the Central Library, York Road on Sunday, November 21st from 12:00 noon
Posted on 11/11/1999
Launch Text To SpeechBus Shelter Observations From the careful observations of one person grew the interests of many and the foundations of a fluctuating group of artists from very different disciplines. ‘Heterogloss’ ‘bus shelter observations,’ sounds a little like trainspotting, but on second glance at their productions, a small book full of marks left behind
Posted on 01/11/1999
Launch Text To SpeechCharlie Holmes and Steve Hines were selected and asked to propose a work that dealt with the context of a new sports academy. Two projects for the entrance of this facility will be installed during the last week of October 1999. Charlie Holmes proposed All Our Heroes are Real, a blue neon
Posted on 27/10/1999