At the end of her three month internship Victoria Hughes shares her thoughts on working with us here at Tees Valley Arts.
At the end of her three month internship Victoria Hughes shares her thoughts on working with us here at Tees Valley Arts.
Posted on 01/04/2016
A silly image of Andy holding a lamp over Bob’s head while he waits.
Posted on 29/03/2016
Welcome to the TVA Spring Newsletter for 2016! Here is what our charity has been up to in the spring months.
Posted on 22/03/2016
Local artist Emily Hesse has been featured in Axis! We worked with Emily earlier in the year on a project called River Tees Rediscovered.
Posted on 26/02/2016
Teesside University Taster Day Feedback from Abbie English, a Teesside University Student Recruitment and Admissions Manager.
Posted on 19/02/2016
A warm welcome for the newest TVA intern as she is welcomed into the world of work for the first time! It’s not half as bad as she thought it would be.
Posted on 21/01/2016