Film by young Teesside Filmmakers shortlisted for Award at Berwick International Film Festival

Launch Text To Speech A film made by young people in Redcar & Cleveland has been shortlisted for the Chris Anderson Award for Best Young Filmmaker at the Berwick upon Tweed Film and Media Arts Festival 2013. The Award is given to the best short films from young filmmakers under 19 in North East England

Posted on 27/09/2013


Launch Text To Speech We uploaded a film to Youtube about the Journeys project and resulting play “Alchemy” by Ishy Din performed at WorldFest.

Posted on 13/09/2013

TVA Autumn 2013 Newsletter

Launch Text To Speech I’m going to begin, as I often do, with an excerpt from a poem, in this instance from ‘Late Summer’ by Jennifer Grotz (who is American, hence the spelling). Summer lingers, but it’s about ending. It’s about how things redden and ripen and burst and come down. It’s when city workers

Posted on 05/09/2013

Free Artsmark training for Schools

Launch Text To SpeechArtsmark is Arts Council England’s flagship programme to enable schools and other organisations to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate their arts and cultural provision. Achieving Artsmark status demonstrates that your school or setting has a number of very special qualities. It demonstrates that you: have an arts and cultural provision for all children

Posted on 04/09/2013

TVA Spring 2013 Newletter

Launch Text To Speech I’m going to start with an uplifting Spring poem by Billy Collins – Today If ever there were a spring day so perfect, so uplifted by a warm intermittent breeze that it made you want to throw open all the windows in the house and unlatch the door to the canary’s

Posted on 04/09/2013

Teesside Young People Celebrate Arts Award Success

Launch Text To Speech43 young people from across Teesside are celebrating after successfully achieving their Bronze Arts Awards, through participating in creative projects run by Tees Valley Arts. Some of these young people have found themselves in difficult circumstances in life, but all have enjoyed taking part in the projects, and all can be very

Posted on 12/07/2013