Re-discovering a Sundial

Launch Text To SpeechThe ever fascinating Hidden Teesside posted this post about a sundial sculpture that Cleveland Arts commissioned from sculptor Neil Talbot and received by Mayor Gwynneth Hanson of Hartlepool Borough Council on May 15th 1995.

Posted on 18/05/2012

Wellington Square’s a good place to stART!

Launch Text To SpeechA pioneering arts project has set up shop in the former “Officer’s Club” premises in Wellington Square, Stockton on Tees for eight weeks. The stART project is a programme of creative activity for disaffected and disengaged young people, designed, managed and delivered by Tees Valley Arts in partnership with Stockton Integrated Youth

Posted on 22/03/2012

New Projects in Development

Launch Text To SpeechWe have lots of things happening at the moment and will be adding further details to our website and future newsletters as they arise but some of the new projects we are working on include:- Developing a new Arts project with the The Evergreen Centre at West Lane Hospital, Middlesbrough which is

Posted on 15/03/2012