Tees Valley Arts, in collaboration with Creative Darlington and Groundwork NE & Cumbria, wish to commission artists to undertake a commission.
Tees Valley Arts, in collaboration with Creative Darlington and Groundwork NE & Cumbria, wish to commission artists to undertake a commission.
Posted on 09/05/2018
One of the region’s most iconic theatres is to host a live music concert with a difference to raise funds for community arts projects.
Posted on 04/04/2018
I spent 5 Tuesday mornings, in February and March of this year working with a very interesting and creative group of Thorntree estate women.
Posted on 30/03/2018
Tees Valley Arts seek a Creative Writer for Thorntree Roses Bloom project, starting Tuesday 20th February 2018. Apply by 9 am Monday 5th.
Posted on 24/01/2018
Tees Valley Arts has two surplus pieces of music equipment that it would like to dispose of for charitable purposes or for a donation.
Posted on 08/12/2017
Please help us save this portrait of Henry Pease for the museums of the Tees Valley by donating at crowdfunder.co.uk/pease-portrait
Posted on 29/11/2017