Gallery TS1 re-opens with Valentine Style with a new team of apprentices creating high quality contemporary artworks

Launch Text To SpeechMiddlesbrough Council’s highly successful training scheme has so far seen 80% of participants go into employment, further training or self employment and the project has been enthusiastically received by shoppers – doubling its annual income target within its first 2 terms of trading. Gallery TS1 was initiated by Middlesbrough Council’s Cultural Services,

Posted on 10/02/2006

Phoenix Art Group Teacher widens opportunity to all

Launch Text To SpeechPeople may have seen the work produced by Phoenix Art Group at various exhibitions held in Middlesbrough and Stockton. The group currently has exhibitions at Sam’s Place Café, Linthorpe Road, Middlesbrough and in the display windows of The Mall Shopping Centre, Middlesbrough. Phoenix Co-ordinator and artist Adrian Moule is now offering art

Posted on 06/01/2006

Gallery Re-opens in Festive Style!

Launch Text To SpeechGallery TS1, Middlesbrough re-opened in festive style last week with a new team of apprentices creating everything festive for Christmas. Middlesbrough Council’s highly successful training scheme has so far seen 80% of participants go into employment, further training or self employment and the project has been enthusiastically received by shoppers – hitting

Posted on 08/12/2005