Celebrate Spring with You Are Here and Café International

Launch Text To SpeechYou Are Here, the refugee arts project run by Tees Valley Arts, together with Café International, are happy to announce their joint event on Monday 21st, at 7.30 at the Dorman Club, Oxford Road, Middlesbrough. There will be live Chinese Opera, Reggae, Blues and Rap, plus a world music DJ playing until

Posted on 14/03/2005

You Are Here: Safe Havens

Launch Text To SpeechSafe Havens: Refugee Arts CDs and DVDs for Tees Valley Schools The ‘You Are Here’ project, managed by tees valley arts and funded primarily by the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Trust Fund, has been working across the Tees Valley with refugees and people seeking asylum for the past two years. Now

Posted on 15/02/2005