TXT 24 Vintage Postcard Art

Launch Text To Speech  I will be seeking out postcards belonging to people which feature beautiful vintage photography on one side and a snippet of a life written on the other. This project challenges the changes the way we correspond and communicate. Postcards were carefully chosen and written with secret coded messages, or simple handwritten

Posted on 20/06/2014

Chair & New Trustees Sought

Launch Text To SpeechTees Valley Arts is a charitable trust. Based in Middlesbrough, but serving all five Tees Valley boroughs, we work to help individuals and communities improve their lives through creative participation; we work with people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities, and we are particularly proud of our work with young people in

Posted on 19/06/2014

TVA Summer 2014 Newsletter

TVA Newsletter Summer 2014

Launch Text To Speech  As I often do, I will start with an extract from a poem – this time part of ‘Summer in a Small Town’ by Tony Hoagland – one of my favourite poets, and author of a collection entitled ‘What Narcissism Means To Me’ – job done! Summer, when the living is

Posted on 11/06/2014

Creative Writer Sought

Launch Text To SpeechTees Valley Arts are looking for a Creative Writer to work with a local school on a project for One Planet Middlesbrough, funded by The Big Lottery in association with Middlesbrough Environment City. Duration: 23rd June 2014 – 19th July 2014 – NB: Please see brief for timetable. Application Information To Apply

Posted on 04/06/2014

Digital Animator Sought

Launch Text To SpeechTees Valley Arts are looking for a Digital Animator to work with a local school on a project for One Planet Middlesbrough, funded by The Big Lottery in association with Middlesbrough Environment City. Duration: 23rd June 2014 – 19th July 2014 – NB: Please see brief for timetable. Application Information To Apply

Posted on 04/06/2014