Big Sky Arts to perform at The Sage

Launch Text To SpeechThere’s excitement in the air in Hartlepool as a group of musicians rehearse for their performance at The Sage, Gateshead next week. The group created their first CD last year and this will be the first time they have played together in such a prestigious venue. Big Sky Arts are a group

Posted on 07/04/2011

Statement from Rowena Sommerville re. Arts Council NPO Decision

Launch Text To SpeechTees Valley Arts is very disappointed to have been informed that we are not to be included in the Art Council’s National Portfolio of organisations, and that we have not been awarded the annual support funding that this would have provided. We believe that TVA offers excellent, and sometimes life-changing, activities for

Posted on 30/03/2011

TVA Investors in People

Launch Text To Speech We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the Investors in People Standard.

Posted on 25/03/2011