Drama, Improvisation, Script writing, Set design, Production, Camera skills, Film-making, Editing
Since 2001 Shoot Your Mouth Off have been making truly collaborative, high quality, community films that address issues of prejudice and access. The films have been widely used in Disability Awareness Training and have been screened at festivals around the world, including Moscow and California.
Shoot Your Mouth Off have worked with a local film company Carpet Films for the majority of their productions and have developed a collaborative way of working that uses the best of each members skills to produce some of the most entertaining but hard-hitting material about disability available.
Shoot Your Mouth Off’s new production is a feature length film that in documentary style follows the fortunes of a number of different groups and individuals as they prepare for an event to celebrate disability culture and identity.
Shoot Your Mouth Off encourages its members to get involved in the development and management of the group, initially by taking part in regular feedback sessions that help to determine future projects, and when they are ready by joining the Steering Group.
The Steering Group also includes representatives from tees valley arts and Carpet Films who work closely with the members and the Project Co-ordinator to promote the groups aim to establish itself as a social enterprise.
The project is supported by tees valley arts a cultural development agency which operates throughout the Tees Valley, working with educational and cultural organisations, local authorities, voluntary and community groups.
Tees Valley Arts’ creative programme works with people, communities, schools and organisations to devise programmes that use arts activities to raise the aspirations, achievements, motivation and self-esteem of Tees Valley individuals and communities.
“Going to London to see my first film on at the National Film Theatre. Being congratulated by other film-makers. How many first-time film-makers get their films shown at the National Film Theatre and win awards nationally and internationally.” SYMO Member