This page is about a publication called “Intune” which was published on the 13th September 2014.
This page is about a publication called “Intune” which was published on the 13th September 2014.
Posted on 21/01/2020
This page is about an anthology of poetry called “Sweet Water” and it was published on the 5th of June 2015.
Posted on 21/01/2020
This page is about one of the poems that is part of the anthology of children’s poetry called “Running Like the Clappers” which was published on the 8th of October 1994.
Posted on 21/01/2020
The various artworks for the new Neptune Centre began in the early part of 1997, Bob Beagrie undertook a 2 week ‘residency’ in Berwick Hills.
Posted on 15/07/2016
A page explaining Crossing the Line, which was a creative exploration into the complexities of healthy and unhealthy relationships.
Posted on 29/06/2016
A page explaining World Book Day 2000, a special event at Thornaby Library, Westbury Street for children from Thornaby Primary Schools.
Posted on 28/06/2016