This page is about pupils producing pieces of work of if the Queen had visited Stockton on her 90th birthday.
This page is about pupils producing pieces of work of if the Queen had visited Stockton on her 90th birthday.
Posted on 20/05/2016
This page provides information about the Coffee House which is an ongoing engagement with newly arrived communities in Middlesbrough.
Posted on 14/04/2016
Launch Text To SpeechAbout River Tees Willow Pattern Plates Tees Valley Arts commissioned artists Emily Hesse and Adrian Moule to co-produce the River Tees Willow Pattern Plates as a means by which members of the public could be encouraged to reflect on their connection to the River Tees, as part of the “Welcome Aboard” community
Posted on 14/04/2016
This page provides information about “Crossing The Tees” which was a part of the River Tees Re-discovered project.
Posted on 14/04/2016
The Green Hearts project was developed to provide opportunities for learning from the natural world for five Tees Valley Primary schools.
Posted on 08/03/2015