This page is about pupils producing pieces of work of if the Queen had visited Stockton on her 90th birthday.
This page is about pupils producing pieces of work of if the Queen had visited Stockton on her 90th birthday.
Posted on 20/05/2016
The publication Crossing the Tees: Printmaking was produced visual artists from Teesside. The books will be distributed to the libraries of the Tees Valley.
Posted on 07/07/2015
Help us to tell the story of the plate you made or have been given by sending us a photo via social media using the #myblueandwhite
Posted on 12/06/2015
Launch Text To SpeechstART is an 8 week creative project 3 days a week (Tue, Wed, Thur), 10am – 2.30pm (with lunch break) Venue Creative Space (vacant shop unit) Wellington Square, Stockton Small group of 10 young people Working with Nicola Parkin and John Greenan Tees Valley Arts are working in partnership with Visit Tees
Posted on 01/02/2012
Launch Text To Speech
Posted on 12/02/2011
Launch Text To SpeechPhoenix Art Group was initially set up in 2001 for people with mental health issues, and has been open to everyone with an interest in the arts for the last three years. The group has met at St Mary’s Church in Stockton but unfortunately the Church are unable to accommodate the group
Posted on 03/02/2009